# FxUI.objectApi.fill_email_template(templateId, objectId)

This method allows you to get populated mail templates.

# parameter

parameter illustrate type Optional value Default value
templateId Email template id (required) string
objectId Populate the data of the master object (required) string

# usage

The method returns a Promise Object , an example of which is as follows:

FxUI.objectApi.fill_email_template('5cef94dfa5083d09dd957955', '5b51b0a0319d19b74dcb46e5').then((data) => {
    // todo what you want
}).catch(err => {

# data structure

	"subject": "测试测试233",       //邮件主题
	"template": ""                  //邮件填充数据后的html
lastUpdate: 10/21/2022, 5:22:27 PM