# FxUI.objectUIAction.editObject(objectApiName, objectDataId, options)

This method allows developers to edit business objects.

# parameter

parameter illustrate type Optional value Default value
objectApiName Business object apiName (required) string
objectDataId Data ID (required) string
options Edit other parameters that the form depends on object
# options
parameter illustrate type Optional value Default value
objectData Backfill the form's data object
recordType Business type string
showType Window type string dialog、full dialog

# usage

This method returns a Promise Object, as shown in the following example:

FxUI.objectUIAction.editObject('AccountObj', '623c3b9d4221fd00010c7971').then(res => {
    // todo what you want
}).catch(err => {
    // handle error
lastUpdate: 10/21/2022, 5:22:27 PM