# field description

A field description is data that describes a field property of a business object.

# Data Display

Take a single-line text field as an example:

   api_name: "name",
   default_is_expression: false,
   default_to_zero: false,
   default_value: "",
   define_type: "system",
   describe_api_name: "object_2mmga__c",
   description: "name",
   field_num: null,
   help_text: "",
   is_abstract: null,
   is_active: true,
   is_index: true,
   is_index_field: false,
   is_required: true,
   is_single: false,
   is_unique: true,
   label: "主属性",
   max_length: 100,
   pattern: "",
   type: "text",
   _id: "5d22a0aac727dc0001e12652",

# Field Type

  • single line text
  • multiline text
  • number
  • amount
  • percentage
  • radio
  • Multiple choice
  • Boolean value
  • time
  • datetime
  • date
  • reference field
  • Calculated field
  • cell phone
  • picture
  • appendix
  • Mail
  • URL
  • Find associations
  • auto increment number
  • personnel
  • department
  • position
  • master-slave relationship
  • statistics
  • sign
  • payment component
  • Sign in component
  • Regional targeting
lastUpdate: 11/14/2022, 3:38:09 PM