# How to use Vue components in custom plugins

A plug-in is a carrier for controlling the system process. Components developed in the Vue framework can be used in the plug-in to encapsulate the functions and interactions of the fields. This article describes how to use Vue components in custom plugins.

# premise

Before learning how to debug custom plugins, you need to know:

  1. The custom plug-in is developed based on the javascript system

# manual

1. Develop Vue components

The file name is: name.vue

       <input type="text" @change="_change">
   export default {
       methods: {
           _change(e) {
               this.$emit('change', e.target.value);

2. Develop plugins

import FieldName from './name.vue';
export default {
   entry(context, field) {
       return field.api_name === 'name';
   render(context) {
       return new Vue({
           render(h) {
               return h(FieldName, {
                   on: {
                       change: this._onChange
           methods: {
               _onChange(val) {

3. Upload the plugin and debug it.



lastUpdate: 10/24/2022, 3:40:37 PM