# FxUI.userDefine.call_controller(apiName, parameters)

This method is convenient for you to quickly call the custom controller function.

# parameter

parameter illustrate type optional value Defaults
apiName apiName of the custom function (required) string
parameters Parameters uploaded by the calling interface Array

# usage

The method returns one Promise object , an example is as follows:

import FxUI from 'fxui-mobile';
const parameters = [{
   type: 'string',
   name: 'param1',
   value: 123
FxUI.userDefine.call_controller('cus_controller__c', parameters).then((res) => {
   if(res.Result.StatusCode == 0) {
       // todo what you want
}).catch(err => {

# skills

If you upload a lot of data parameters, parameters it , especially you need to set the type and name of the parameters, which are prone to errors. To get rid of this trouble, we recommend the following methods:

  1. When creating a custom controller, only one parameter is reserved in the setting parameters, and the type of the parameter is Map类型;

  2. Store multiple parameters in one js对象, and then call the api to upload data

FxUI.userDefine.call_controller('cus_controller__c', [{
   type: 'map',
   name: 'name',
   value: {
       param1: '',
       param2: '',
       param3: '',
}]).then((res) => {
   // todo what you want
}).catch(err => {

lastUpdate: 10/25/2023, 11:15:45 AM