# actionsheet action panel

The pull-up/pull-down menu (ActionSheet) allows the user to select options through the pop-up box.

Very dangerous options will be highlighted in red for people to recognize at the first time. You can make it disappear by clicking the cancel button or clicking the blank space.

# parameter

Attributes type Defaults optional value illustrate
mask Boolean true - whether to add a mask layer
show Boolean false - Control popup show/hide
title String "" - Popup title
titleStyle String "" - title style
subtitle String '' - subheading
subtitleStyle String "" - subtitle style
options Array [] -- Options
showCancel Boolean true - Whether to display the cancel button
cancelText String '' -- Cancel button bit content
cancelStyle String '' -- Cancel button bit style
styleZindex Number 1000 -- Hierarchy

# callback

Attributes type illustrate
onItemClick Function The button returns after the click option event is executed
onClose Function return after closing event

# sample code

 <fs-page title="actionsheet" c-bind:onMounted="onMounted">
   <view class="page">
     <scroll-view class="scroll" style="height: {{dScrollHeight}}px" scroll-y="true">
       <fs-divider tip="不带标题"></fs-divider>
       <fs-button class="button" type="primary" text="点我试试" plain="{{true}}" bindtap="onTap"></fs-button>

       <fs-divider tip="带标题"></fs-divider>
       <fs-button class="button" type="primary" text="点我试试" plain="{{true}}" bindtap="onTap" data-type="1"></fs-button>

       <fs-divider tip="带子标题"></fs-divider>
       <fs-button class="button" type="primary" text="点我试试" plain="{{true}}" bindtap="onTap" data-type="2"></fs-button>

       <fs-divider tip="多选项"></fs-divider>
       <fs-button class="button" type="primary" text="点我试试" plain="{{true}}" bindtap="onTap" data-type="3"></fs-button>
   <fs-actionsheet show="{{show}}" title="{{title}}" title-style="{{titleStyle}}" subtitle="{{subtitle}}" subtitle-style="{{subtitleStyle}}" options="{{options}}" bindonClose="onClose" bindonItemClick="onItemClick">

// testPages/testActionsheet/testActionsheet.js
const paramConfig = {
  1: {
    title: 'fxiaoke'
  2: {
    title: 'fxiaoke',
    titleStyle: "color: red",
    subtitle: 'subtitle',
    subtitleStyle: "color: green"
  3: {
    // title: 'fxiaoke',
    options: [
        label: '2',
        subtitle: 'subtitle\nsdsdsds\nsdsd',
        subStyle: 'color: red;'
      { label: '2sds d sds s s sd s s s ds sd ss s s\nsdsdsdssdsdssdsds \n khkhkh \n hhhhjhfyfujfhgfhfhfgfghfghfghfhfhgrfuyruytfhfhftfthfhtfhfhfhyfh' },
      { label: '2' },
      { label: '2' },
      { label: '2' },
      { label: '2' },
      { label: '2' },
      { label: '2' },
      { label: '2' },
      { label: '2' },
      { label: '2' },
      { label: '2' },
      { label: '2' },
      { label: '2' },
      { label: '2' },
      { label: '2' }

   * 页面的初始数据
  data: {
    show: false,
    title: '',
    subtitle: '',
    options: [],
    dScrollHeight: 500

  onTap(event) {
    const { type } = event.target.dataset;
    let param = {
      title: '',
      titleStyle: '',
      subtitle: '',
      subtitleStyle: '',
      options: [
        { label: '2' }, { label: '2' }, { label: '2' }
    param = Object.assign(param, paramConfig[type] || {})
    // Object.keys(param).forEach((key) => {
    //   this[key] = param[key]
    // });
      title: param.title,
      titleStyle: param.titleStyle,
      subtitle: param.subtitle,
      subtitleStyle: param.subtitleStyle,
      options: param.options,
      show: true
  onItemClick(e) {
  onClose() {
      show: false
  onMounted(e) {
      dScrollHeight: e.detail.mainHeight

   * 生命周期函数--监听页面加载
  onLoad: function (options) {


   * 生命周期函数--监听页面初次渲染完成
  onReady: function () {


   * 生命周期函数--监听页面显示
  onShow: function () {


   * 生命周期函数--监听页面隐藏
  onHide: function () {


   * 生命周期函数--监听页面卸载
  onUnload: function () {


   * 页面相关事件处理函数--监听用户下拉动作
  onPullDownRefresh: function () {


   * 页面上拉触底事件的处理函数
  onReachBottom: function () {


   * 用户点击右上角分享
  onShareAppMessage: function () {


  "usingComponents": {

    "fs-divider": "../../../package/fxui/Divider/Divider",

    "fs-actionsheet": "../../../package/fxui/Actionsheet/Actionsheet",
    "fs-button": "../../../package/fxui/Button/Button"

lastUpdate: 10/24/2022, 3:40:37 PM