# JS plugin from the object list page

It is consistent with the associated object list JS plugin usage.

The JS plugin from the object list page contains the following extended scenarios:

  • Controls the rendering process from the object list page
  • Modify the field display

This component will only appear in the subcomponents of the detail page, so please move to the details page plugin for registration of related subcomponent plugins.

# Controls the rendering process from the object list page

   export default {
       componentPlugns(context) {
           return {
               'multitable': {
                   beforeInitTable(options) {
                       // todo what you want
                       return options;

# Modify the field display

   export default {
       componentPlugns(context) {
           return {
               'multitable': {
                   entry(context, field) {
                       return field.name === 'name' // 只考虑改变主属性的渲染
                   render(context, field, value) {
                       if (field.api_name === 'name') {
                           return `test: ${value}`

# Controls the rendering process from the object list page

# beforeFetch()


  • context: Object : The context of the field
  • param: Object : Calls the parameters passed from the object list interface


This method returns the interface request parameters.


beforeFetch occurs before the interface.

   beforeFetch: function(context, param) {
       // todo what you want
       param.aaa = 'test'; //追加请求数据
       return param;

# beforeInitTable()


  • context: Object : The context of the field
  • options: Object : Initializes dependent properties from the object list component


The method needs to return the property data that the list initialization depends on


beforeInitTable occurs before the interface.

   beforeInitTable: function(context, options) {
       options.scrollLoad = false; //关闭水平方向的滚动加载
       options.scrollLoadY = false; //关闭垂直方向的滚动加载
       return options;

# Modify the field display

# entry()


  • context: Object : The context of the field
  • field: Object : Field description information


The entry method, which indicates which fields the plug-in applies to.

# render()


  • context: Object : The context of the field
  • field: Object : Field description information
  • value: * : The value of the field


You need to return a DOM object or DOM string.


The entry method, which indicates which fields the plug-in applies to.

# Simple example

let widgets = {};

   entry(context, field) {
       return field.api_name === 'name' || field.api_name === 'owner'

   render(context, field, value, data) {
       if (field.api_name === 'name') {
           return `<div>hello fxiaoke</div>`; // 返回DOM字符串
       }else if(field.api_name === 'owner') {
           const key = `${data._id}-${field.api_name}`;
           let vm = widgets[key];
           if (vm) {
           vm = widgets[key] = new Vue({
               render: h => h('div', {
                   on: {
                       click(e) {
                           e.stopPropagation(); //可以防止点击当前字段后打开详情页
               }, [
           return vm.$el; //返回DOM对象

   beforeDestroy() {
       Object.keys(widgets).forEach(key => {
       widgets = null;


Note: If you use a VUE component, destroy the component in and every time to avoid unnecessary memory leaks beforeDestroy render

# context

The component-level context has all the APIs in the detail page context. In addition to this, the following methods are available:

# Common API

# getCompInfo()


  • compInfo: Object : Description information for the component
    • api_name: String : The component's apiName
    • header: String : Component title
    • type: String : Component type
    • ... In addition, different components have their own special information (can be printed to the console to view)


The method returns a description of the current component.

const compInfo = context.getCompInfo();

# getObjectApiName()


  • objectApiName: String : Gets the apiName of the current primary object


This method gets the apiName of the current primary object.

const objectApiName = context.getObjectApiName();

# getObjectDataId()


  • objectDataId: String : Gets the data ID of the current primary object


This method gets the data ID of the current primary object.

const objectDataId = context.getObjectDataId();

# Tabular component properties

parameter illustrate type Optional value Default value
maxHeight Maximum height limit number
searchTip Search for prompts in the input box string
columns Column configuration array
colMinWidth Minimum column width number
scrollLoad Turn on X-axis scroll loading boolean false
scrollLoadY Turn on Y-axis scroll loading boolean false
noDataTip No data tips string -
initComplete Table rendering completion function function -
showWaterMask Whether to display a watermark boolean false
forceTrWrap Force line breaks boolean true

# columnItem

parameter illustrate type Optional value Default value
api_name The field apiName string
type The field type string
render Field rendering functions function
width Column width string
title The column header name string
fixed Whether it is fixed boolean
isFilter Whether filtering is supported boolean false
isOrderBy Whether sorting is supported boolean true

# Common examples

# Modify the multi-line text display

When a table displays a multi-line text field, it defaults to displaying only one line of content, and the rest of the content displays ellipsis. To show more, we can refer to the following example:

let widgets = {};
export default {
   // 注册从对象列表插件
   componentPlugns(context) {
   	let plugins = {};
       // 找到所有从对象列表组件,并进行插件赋值
   	context.getComponentsByType('multi_table').forEach(item => {
   		plugins[item.api_name] = this.subPlugin
   	return plugins;
   // 从对象列表插件内容
   subPlugin: {
       // 声明需要渲染的字段
   	entry(context, field) {
   		return field.type === 'long_text';
   	render(context, field, value, data){
   		if(field.type === 'long_text') {
   			let vm = widgets[data._id];
   			if (vm) {
   				vm.$destroy || (vm.$destroy());
   			vm = widgets[data._id] = new Vue({
   				render(h) {
   					return (
   						<div on-click={this._stopPropagation}>
   							<FieldDisplay field={{type:'long_text'}} value={value}></FieldDisplay>
   				components: {
   					FieldDisplay: FxUI.component.get('FieldDisplay') //字段渲染组件
                   methods: {
                       // 阻止事件冒泡,避免表格的行点击事件处理函数执行,影响客制化效果
                       _stopPropagation(e) {
   			return vm.$el;
       // 修改列表组件的配置,关闭滚动加载和打开换行。
   	beforeInitTable(context, options) {
   		console.log('插件操作beforeInitTable', context);
   		options.forceTrWrap = true;
   		options.scrollLoadY = false;
   		options.scrollLoad = false;
   		return options;
       // vue组件销毁
   	beforeDestroy() {
   		console.log('插件操作beforeDestroy', context);
   		Object.keys(widgets).forEach(key => {
   			const comp = widgets[key];
   			comp.$destroy || (comp.$destroy());

Similar requirements for modifying the rendering of list fields can refer to this example.

lastUpdate: 11/14/2022, 3:38:09 PM