# Object table JS plugin

# Control the form flow

This type of requirement needs to be implemented through the following APIs:

# beforeMapViewRenderMap()


  • context: Object : The context of the field
  • options: Object : Gets the map container
    • options.container : Map drawing placeholder, container


If there is no return, this method intercepts the original map and redraws the map


beforeMapViewRenderMap happens before the map is drawn, intercepting the original map drawing

export default {
   beforeMapViewRenderMap(context, options) {
       FxUI.libs.require('map').then(map => {
               center: {lng: 116.33202, lat: 39.9771},
               consume: {apiName: 'AccountAddrObj', bizKey: 'list_map', bizSource: 'udobj', consumeCount: 1, moduleKey: "google_map_app", paraKey: "google_map_call_limit"},
               container: options.container,
               fullscreen: true,
               isFromSwitch: false,
               scaleControl: true,
               zoom: 3,
               zoomControl: true,
               zooms: [1, 20]
           }).then((res) => {
               ownerMap = this.map = res;
   			this.beforeMapViewAddMaker(context, this.dataList);

# beforeMapViewAddMaker()


  • context: Object : The context of the field
  • list: Array : List page data
    • list[i].location : Anchor field


If there is no return, this method intercepts the original map instance to generate marker markers and displays aggregation points on the map instance


beforeMapViewAddMaker occurs after the map is drawn and before markers are generated on the map instance

For setMarkerCluster, please refer to the map internationalization interface document (https://wiki.firstshare.cn/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=172156028 (opens new window))

export default {
   beforeMapViewAddMaker(context, list){
       if (this.map && list) {
   	    var infoItem = _.findWhere(context.viewInfo, {name: 'map_view'})
   	    var columns = []
   	    _.each(infoItem.fields, function(a) {context.fields[a] && columns.push(context.fields[a])})
           this.map.newMap.setMarkerCluster(list.filter(item => {!!item.location}).map((item,index) => {
   		    const pos = item.location.split('#%$');
   		    var contents = _.map(columns, function(aa) {
                   return {
                       title: aa.label,
   					content: item[aa.api_name] || '--'
               return {
                   color: '#68a4ff',
                   lngLat: pos,
   				contents: contents
           }),{onClick: this._onShowInfo});
           this.dataList = list;
       }else {
           this.dataList = list;

# beforeMapViewCreate()


  • context: Object : The context of the field
  • params: Object : The parameter to parse
    • params.queryParam : The list page requests parameters for the interface
    • params.queryParam.search_query_info : A parameter in the form of a JSON string, which contains the limit on the number of data bars and the starting data index


This method returns the parameters of the request interface of the list page


Before the MapViewCreate page is rendered, change the parameters of the page interface parameters, such as the data limit of the map list

export default {
   beforeMapViewCreate(context,params) {
       var r = JSON.parse(params.queryParam.search_query_info);
       r.limit = 2000;
       params.queryParam.search_query_info = JSON.stringify(r);
       return Promise.resolve(params);

# beforeMapViewFetch()


  • context: Object : The context of the field
  • params: Object : The map list requests parameters of the interface, and the parameter structure is the same as above


This method returns the parameters of the request interface of the list page


beforeMapViewFetch occurs before the map list request and changes the interface parameter parameters

export default {
   beforeMapViewFetch(context,params) {
       var r = JSON.parse(params.search_query_info);
       r.limit = 2000;
       params.search_query_info = JSON.stringify(r);
       return Promise.resolve(params);

# beforeMapViewDestroy()


  • context: Object : The context of the field


No return, new maps drawn are destroyed before the map is destroyed


beforeMapViewDestroy occurs before the map is destroyed

export default {
   beforeMapViewDestroy(context) {
       ownerMap = null;
       this.map = null;

# getIconIndex()


  • context: Object : The context of the field
  • index: Number : Serial number of the map list droplet, custom serial number


None returned


getIconIndex occurs before the map list drop label sequence number is generated, changing the original increment order to custom

export default {
   	index = '';
   	return Promise.resolve(index);

Example: Draw a map using the beforeMapViewRenderMap method

   export default {
       beforeMapViewRenderMap(context, options) {
           FxUI.libs.require('map').then(map => {
                   center: {lng: 116.33202, lat: 39.9771},
                   consume: {apiName: 'AccountAddrObj', bizKey: 'list_map', bizSource: 'udobj', consumeCount: 1, moduleKey: "google_map_app", paraKey: "google_map_call_limit"},
                   container: options.container,
                   fullscreen: true,
                   isFromSwitch: false,
                   scaleControl: true,
                   zoom: 3,
                   zoomControl: true,
                   zooms: [1, 20],
                   mapSwitchedFn: ({originMap})=>{
                       console.log('切换地图', arguments)
                       this.beforeMapViewAddMaker(context, this.dataList);
               }).then((res) => {
                   this.beforeMapViewAddMaker(context, this.dataList);

lastUpdate: 10/24/2022, 3:40:37 PM