# FxUI.objectUIAction.selectObject(objectApiName, options)

This method allows developers to select object data.

# parameter

parameter illustrate type optional value Defaults
objectApiName Business object apiName (required) string
options Other parameters object
# options
parameter illustrate type optional value Defaults
target_related_list_name Association list api_name (can be seen in the background management of the current field setting interface) string
single Whether to choose boolean false
maxNum Maximum quantity limit number
wheres Filter conditions when looking up related data object
selected selected data array
lookup_field_api_name The api_name of the corresponding lookup field string
target_related_list_name The api_name of the associated object list generated when the lookup field is created number

# result

   objectList: Array

# usage

The method returns one Promise object , an example is as follows:

import FxUI from 'fxui-mobile';

FxUI.objectUIAction.selectObject('AccountObj').then(res => {
   // todo what you want

FxUI.objectUIAction.selectObject('AccountObj', {
   single: true,
   maxNum: 6
}).then(res => {
   // todo what you want

lastUpdate: 10/24/2022, 3:40:37 PM