# Develop the first applet custom plug-in

The applet custom plug-in adopts the applet framework, if you:

  1. If you have experience in small program development, you can directly start developing small program custom plug-ins.

  2. If you have not used Mini Programs, it is recommended to briefly study the Mini Program development documents:

  3. Framework interface (opens new window)

  4. WXML (opens new window)

  5. WXS (opens new window)

See a simplest example

# The first step: we download the applet ( template (opens new window)),code show as below:

Modify the following files:

  1. Configuration file, which declares the entry file of the plugin

  1. Plugin code:
export default function (context) {
   return {
    * 返回要定制的自定义字段组件信息,不需要定制return null
    comInfo: {
               name: "cmpt1",//(必须)自定义字段组件的名称,根目录config.json文件中components节点中指向对应组件的key
               prop: {test: 1}//会透传到自定义字段组件customProp属性,格式不限。
    * @return {Object}
       customFieldCom({ field }) {
           let comInfo = null;
           if (field || field.api_name === "field_testplugin__c") {
               console.log("test plugin: customFieldCom: " + field.api_name);
               comInfo = {
                   name: "cmpt1",
                   prop: { test: 1 },
           return Promise.resolve(comInfo); //异步return
           //return comInfo //或者直接同步return

       beforeNormalButtonsRender({ buttons }) {
           buttons ||
               buttons.some((it) => {
                   if (it.api_name === "button_testplugin__c") {
                       it.onClick = function () {
                           context.emitEvent("show-dialog1", { test: 654987 });
                       return true;
           return Promise.resolve(buttons);

       renderFixedCom() {
           return [
                   name: "dialog1",
                   prop: { test: 1 },

       renderEnd() {
           console.log("test plugin: renderEnd");
               content: "插件拦截renderEnd",
               showCancel: false,
       /**提交前触发, resovle之后继续提交流程*/
       beforeSubmit(opt) {
           console.log("test plugin: beforeSubmit");
           return new Promise((resolve) => {
                   title: "插件拦截提交",
                   content: "是否提交?",
                   showCancel: true,
                   success(rst) {
                       if (rst.confirm) {
       /**提交成功后触发, resovle之后继续提交后动作*/
       submitted(opt) {
           console.log("test plugin: submitted");
           return new Promise((resolve) => {
                   title: "插件拦截提交后动作",
                   content: "是否继续?",
                   showCancel: true,
                   success(rst) {
                       if (rst.confirm) {

# Step 2: Compress the file

Note that the decompressed file structure is directly dependent on each file of the applet after decompression, not a folder.

# Step 3: Find the "custom plugin" management interface in the management background, click "New" and upload the file


When creating a new plug-in, select Component Type as New Edit Page JS Plug in and Support Terminal as Mobile terminal .


# Step 4: In the form layout designer, find "New Edit Page JS Plugin on PC" in "Global Settings", select the newly created plugin and save it


# Step 5: Open the Fenxiang Pinke app, and check whether the plugin takes effect when creating a new object.


# Plug-in code structure description

The entire project directory is the directory structure of the standard WeChat applet

  • There must be config.json in the root directory (important)

  • components: register the components that need to be exposed to the plugin user, the key is the component name, and the value is the relative path of the component; some plugins + internal subcomponents do not need to be registered;

  • main: The relative path of the plugin entry js file

  • The pages node of app.json is empty (important)

  • The js files and component definitions under the project refer to the WeChat specification, and there are no additional restrictions

lastUpdate: 11/14/2022, 3:38:09 PM